A Digital Primer
Welcome to Myr'idic, a meticulously crafted conlang designed to express nuance, emotion, and action with the efficiency of a scientist and elegance of a mystic. At its core, Myr'idic is a modular morphosyntatic language where communication is built from root vocabulary known as Cirquills.
Top | Word Structure | Temporal Tethers | Modifiers | Conjunctions | Possessives | History | Vocabulary
Word Structure
Cirquills can almost always be compared to nouns in English. The vocabulary of Myr'idic is composed entirely of different patterns of cirquills. When written, a cirquill looks like a circular sigil that is formed by combining string-like patterns of runes around the circumference. These patterns are called the warp. They are inscribed over the circular base of the cirquill called the weft. The warp behave like letters in English, informing the sound of the cirquill. The cirquill, like words, are linked together by their weft to form a weave, which is the Myr'idic equivalent of a sentence.
Myr'idic is written and read as a fractal spiral, in clockwise fashion, smallest to largest. The warp forms the sound of the cirquill, and they in turn form the concept of the weave.
Cirquills are enhanced by tethers. In the written language, a tether is a layer of warp through wefts attached above or below the primary word. Typically, the top (prefixed) tether functions like an adjective, giving descriptive qualities to the word. The bottom (suffixed) tether changes the core meaning of the word in a specific way. For example, the cirquill for 'night,' nyth, could have the tethered prefix for 'cloud,' lar, which transforms the cirquill into lar'nyth, meaning 'misty night.' It is possible for a cirquill to have long weft on either end that can add greater nuance.
Even the word Myr'idic is a tethered word. It combines the tether of myr meaning 'enchanting' and the cirquill of idic, meaning 'language'. However, flipping the tether myr to the cirquill changes the word from 'enchanting' to 'woman.' Since this is the core word, idic becomes the suffixed tether—a transformative word meaning 'the art of communication.' Therefore, Myr'idic could also be translated as 'the art of women's speech.' There is a lot of opportunity for wordplay using the placement of the main cirquill in a complete word.
Another great example of this interplay in action is the word for 'good night's rest,' ga'shael'nyth'serai, which combines the cirquills ga (completion), shael (sleep), nyth (night), and serai (hospitality). In English, this would be literally translated as 'the welcoming feeling of night's completed sleep.'
You'll notice that Myr'idic, as it is written in English, cirquill and their tethers are separated with an apostrophe. This is for the ease of agglutinative interpretation of the complete word. This is especially helpful with larger words.
Temporal Tethers
A temporal tether gives a cirquill the context of performing action within a specific time reference. This acts like the mechanics of verbs and the conjugations thereof in English and many other languages. Myr'idic has 21 temporal tethers, but fortunately, does not require conjugates.
When a cirquill is paired with a temporal tether, they are often not paired with other tethers except in advanced Myr'idic literature and formal oration.
We will use the cirquill shaar which means 'door' or 'portal' with each temporal tether, combined with the possessive ta, meaning 'it (singular)' to show how this works with simple sentences.
Present simple
Ta shar'ar ('It passes through')
Present perfect
Ta shar'ava ('It has passed through')
Future perfect
Ta shar'avair ('It will have passed through')
Past remote
Ta shar'elvan ('It passed through long ago')
Past continuous
Ta shar'eten ('It was passing through')
Past perfect continuous
Ta shar'even ('It had been passing through')
Ta shar'felven ('It might pass through')
Future continuous
Ta shar'iren ('It will be passing through')
Ta shar'thellen ('It would have passed through')
Ta shar'valien ('It is probably going to pass through')
Ta shar'yan ('It has always passed through')
Present continuous
Ta shar'aren ('It is passing through')
Present perfect continuous
Ta shar'aven ('It has been passing through')
Future perfect continuous
Ta shar'avenir ('It will have been passing through')
Past simple
Ta shar'et ('It passed through')
Past perfect
Ta shar'eva ('It has passed through')
Ta shar'felve ('It must pass through')
Future simple
Ta shar'ir ('It will pass through')
Ta shar'miir ('It begins to pass through')
Future immediate
Ta shar'tyren ('It is about to pass through')
Ta shar'viron ('It passes through cyclically')
Basic Infinitive
Shar'is ('to pass through')
Modifiers are singular bits of warp along the weft that can either slightly or greatly change the meaning of a weave in Myr'idic. They are statement markers that denote inflection, emphasis, directives, or modify an idea completely.
Dar ['dar' like "dart"]
Inverse meaning
Ta shar'yan-dar ('It never passes through.')
Vus ['vOOs']
A drawing from within, summoning (a power)
Shon'is-vus ma lae-diir ('Repair my sight, I bring forth')
Pos ['poss' like "possible"]
Polite request or invitation
Pos-ta shar'is ('Please, you, pass through.')
Dareq [Combination of 'dar' and 'eq']
Inverse with emphasis
Ta shar'ir-dareq ('It will definitely not pass through!')
Yue ['yeugh' (back of throat)]
Diminished importance or weakness
Ta shar'ar-yue ('It barely passes through.')
Em ['em' as in "emancipate"]
Ca-shar'em ('The doors.')
Qua ['kwa' like the middle of "squabble"]
Basic interrogative
Ta shar'iren-qua ('It will be passing through, yes?')
Tuz ['tOOse' like "two" and the end of "whose"]
A reinforcement of demand
Tuz-ta shar'felve ('Do now, you must pass through')
Eq ['ec' as in "ectoplasm"]
Ta shar'aren-eq ('It is definitely passing through!')
Teq ['tek' (like "Tequatl")]
Contradition or correction
Ta shar'ar-teq ('Actually, it passes through.')
Lae ['lay']
Ta lae-shar ('Its door.')
Conjunctions, like modifiers, are bits of warp along the weave independent of cirquills, used to build complex meaning within the language. In the next examples, we will use the cirquills ith meaning 'control/master' and ipan meaning 'divide.'
Kus ['kOOs']
Ta-ith'ar kus ipan'ar ('It controls and divides.')
Wos ['woss']
Ta-ipan'ar wos ith'is-dar ('It divides but doesn't control.)
Da (used only with dar) ['da' like from 'dart']
Ta-ith'ar-dar da ipan'ar ('It neither controls, nor divides.')
Nos ['noss']
Ta-ith'ar nos ipan'ar ('It controls unless it divides.')
Pos ['poss']
Ta-ith'ar pos ipan'ar ('It controls when it divides.')
Va ['vah' like "varnish"]
Ca-ith va ipan. ('The mastery of division.')
Hil ['hEEl']
Ta-ith'ar hil ipan'ar ('It controls until it divides.')
Zil ['zeal']
Ta-ith'ar zil ipan'ar ('It controls whether it divides.')
Fae ['fay']
As long as / provided that
Ta-ith'ar fae ipan'ar ('It controls as long as it divides.')
A ['ah' like from "art"]
Ipan a ith. ('Division is control.')
Is ['is' like from "Izzy"]
To (also denotes basic infinitive of root)
Ipan ith'is ('Divide to control.')
Xos ['choss']
By / via
Ta-ipan'ar xos ith'ar ('It divides by controlling.')
Us ['OOs']
Ta-ith'ar us ipan ('It controls with division.')
Dus ['dOOs']
Ta-ith'ar dus ipan'ar ('It controls, not divides.')
Kros ['cross']
Ta-ith'ar kros ipan'ar ('It controls if it divides.')
Os ['oss']
Ta-ith'ar os ipan'ar ('It controls or divides.')
Pros ['pross']
Ta-ith'ar pros ipan'ar ('It controls where it divides.')
Prin ['prEEn']
Therefore / thus / next,then
Ta-ipan'ar pryn ith'ar ('It divides, therefore controls.')
Hin ['hEEn']
Within / in
Ta-ipan'ar hin ta-ith ('It divides within its control.')
Ril ['reel']
While / during
Ta-ith'ar ril ipan'ar ('It controls while it divides.')
Tae ['tay']
So that / in order to
Ta-ipan'ar tae ith'ar ('It divides so that it controls.')
Ca ['ca' like from "car"]
The / specific instance of
Ca-ipan ith'ar. ('The division controls.')
Xae ['chay']
Ta-ith'ar xae ipan ('It controls from division.')
Sis ['sis' as in "sister"]
Ta-ipan'ar sis ith ('It divides through control.')
Possessives describe ownership or association with a weave. In Myr'idic, possessive markers are warp sitting on the weft independent from cirquills. They are used to indicate who or what something belongs to. These possessives function similarly to possessive pronouns in English (e.g., my, your, their), but they are embedded directly into the structure of the language.
We will use the cirquill shael meaning 'sleep' in the examples:
Ma - Addressing or referring to onesself.
Mem - Plural with a group encompassing onesself.
Ya - Singular 'you' to directly address an individual.
Yem - Plural 'you' as in 'you all' to address a group.
Ja - Singular 'they' for a specific individual.
Jem - Plural 'they' for a group of individuals.
Ta - Singular 'it' for an inanimate object or abstraction.
Tem - Plural 'it' or 'they' for a group of inanimate objects or abstraction.
Note: Myr'idic does not make a distinction between masculine or feminine in possessive pronouns, but one might use myr and ryn for descriptive reinforcement. For example, jem'myr ('those women') or ja'ryn ('that man').
Phrases in the Books (WARNING: Spoilers)
Shon’is-vus ma'lae diir’nyth.
Power within, reinforce my night sight.
Lyk'is-vus ca-lepu'kael.
Power within, illuminate the precise path.
Voss’is-vus ca-drav'forin'em. Tem avor’felve eq!
Power within, nullify the heaviness of the containers! They must rise!
Syr'is-vus ca-lit'kael mem va ca-kris'thal.
Power within, navigate us to the precise location of the crystal dagger.
Strong hand
Lira'is-vus ca-prisil'ica'nyth'em.
Power within, reveal the hidden magical runes.
Nyf'is-vus ja'torna'saan.
Power within, obscure the inside of his/her cloak.
Crystalline Knowledge Repository ('Crystal Archives')
Helith'is-vus ca-prisili'felos-eq!
Power within, detonate the magical trap!
Ta-hin halvir’yana.
It [resides] within a pocket dimension.
Explosive sunbeam
Pos-ma waz’felve-vus zen'fyn va ca-halvir’yana.
Power within, I must open a boundary fissure of the pocket dimension.
Pos-yem karin'is kris'thal hin ca-ica'shar'nat. Prin, ca-shar waz’ir.
You all, please, position a crystal dagger into the center of the glyphic door lock. Then, the door will open.
Prisili’kar. In-a. Ca-shar waz'tyren.
Magical transference. Acceptable (literally: "yes is"). The door is about to open.
Ca-gar'zanek. Pos-yem zorath'is sis ca-shar.
The operation has finished. You all, please, proceed forward through the door.
Evi'serai is Kris'sen'qarat.
Welcome to the Crystal Archives.
Pos-yem'bas ryven'felve is ca-cov'enn.
Please, you two must move with haste to the Myr'ides chamber (literally: "transcendent gathering").
Xynor’irin ['chai-NOOR EAR-EEn' (underline tongue roll)]
(Literally: "Hope of change") An expression of lamentation in stagnation or status quo, and a desire to move toward the inevitability of change that occurs over long cycles of time.
Ya sen’is Myr’idic qua? Ma sen'is scoi'idic wos'ma ryth'is-dar us ith.
You know Myr'idic? I know a little language, but I do not speak it with mastery.
Hoc-a. Pos-ma kar’ir ya onavi’idic’sen.
Unacceptable (literally: "no is"). If you please, I will transfer your foreign language knowledge [to me].
Ma thos’yan-ya shae’onac eq!
I will always hate you, fraudulent mother!
Shon'is-vus ja-ouw'zen. Ouw'is-dar, ouw'is-dar.
Power within, repair his/her wound. Cause no pain, cause no pain.
The witches' names also stem from Myr'idic roots:
Kulshedra (Kul'sheda'ra), 'cherished first dragon'
Velthera (Vell'ther'ra), 'beloved of reverent chaos'
Nicuris (Nyf'kyu'ryth), 'the sound of a disembodied whisper'
Morvanys (Morr'vanys), 'sorrowful plinth'
Zoryth (Zhor'ryth), 'the sound of danger'
Olyndra (Olyn'dara), 'approaching rain'